sis jus


Ms Justine Mbianda, ACCDF Chairman

Ms. Justine Mbianda was born in Limbe, South West of Cameroon. She attended the prestigious Saker Baptist College (Girls Secondary School). She then relocated to the United States and gained admission into Montgomery College, then Howard University and subsequently the University of the District of Columbia. She eventually graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication and a Masters Degree in Instructional Systems Technology. She is also a Licensed Nurse in good standing.

Ms. Mbianda  has worked over the years as a contractor for several U.S. Government Agencies, including the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of Homeland Security and currently, the U.S. Department of Labor.

Ms. Mbianda is presently the Chairman of the very powerful Community Umbrella Organization, the All Cameroonian Cultural and Development Foundation (ACCDF) and Vice Chair of the African Women’s Cancer Awareness Association (AWCAA). 

Everyone who knows or has interacted with Ms. Mbianda can attest to her Integrity, her sense of fairness, honesty, panache and objectivity. The job Ms. Mbianda is most proud of though is that of being the Mother of two handsome young men and the Caregiver for her 89 year old mother. 


Miss Cameroon USA Scholarship Pageant is Slated for Saturday June 20 2015 at the Best Western Hotel, Lanham, MD.


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