Gigi is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Ngalamou Foundation. Ghyslaine’s objective as Miss Africa USA 2012 was to make a difference and inspire others. After her reign, she wanted to continue with the work she started. In January 2013, Gigi founded the Ngalamou Foundation as a way to advocate for community development by focusing on individual community empowerment in small, underserved communities in Africa. The Foundation thrives on the belief that through listening and communicating with the local residents and having the ability to apply assistance and funds where needed, we can create healthy communities. When asked about this initiative and what inspired the movement she stated: “Every day, I wake up and ask myself how I can make the world a better place? The idea of starting a non-profit organization occurred to me shortly after the passing of my grandfather Mr. Ngalamou on July 2nd, 2012 due to the lack of proper healthcare in underserved regions in Cameroon. I founded the Ngalamou Foundation with hope for the betterment of people, communities and groups where ingenuity, self-help, and LOVE would bring a positive change. I would like to make sure that my message to others inspires and encourages people to give back. I know deep down that this is one of the best decisions I will ever make. “
She is a graduate of UMBC and currently works as a Financial Analyst.